Nineteenth Elevation

Heart of the One who sleeps, but always watches

Tenth desire of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus : fraternal charity


Reflection – In his tabernacle, as in the boat tossed by the waves, Jesus sleeps[1]; but it is there above all that his Heart watches over his tried and tested Church and each of its members.

To sleep is the sign of rest, to watch is that of solicitude; to sleep and at the same time to watch is the sign of power and love: of power that fears nothing, because it can do the good it wants; of love that fears everything, because the object of its solicitude may want to deviate from that good. And this is the only fear of God.


Jesus – I sleep and my heart watches[2]. I sleep because I am impassive in my eternal rest. My power has cost me nothing and you cannot take it away from me; that is why I sleep. But you have cost my Heart and you can take away what it loves; that’s why I watch.

In the Garden of Olives, my watch was painful; in the Tabernacle, where I still watch, I am often forsaken; sometimes come and watch with me for an hour, because Satan, too, watches like a ravening wolf[3], and my too-weak children let themselves be torn from my bosom; so watch, and to console my Heart, pray for them that they may not fail[4].

Watch over yourselves first, and then extend your solicitude to those whose masters or friends you are; if they do wrong, warn them, but do so with gentleness and modesty[5], for there must be between you for your infirmities a compassionate kindness, a brotherly friendship[6]; but if you can do nothing, either to the body or soul of those given to you, nevertheless continue to love them, to watch over them, to pray for them.

If a friend afflicts you, I implore you, redouble your charity towards him[7], and do not see a beam where there is only a mote[8]. Enlarge your hearts. Be good as my Father is good.

My little children, love one another as I have loved you[9]. The way to be loved and always forgiven is to love and forgive up to seventy times seven, that is, always, and you will have the right to all forgiveness: dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.


The soul – Lord, if your sleep is a test for our faith, how much the marks of the tender and vigilant love, which follows us by our Providence, make shine in my eyes the wisdom of this divine rest always calm and always in act! These horizons opened onto the wonders of your powerful charity dazzle my reason, while your unalterable goodness astonishes and confounds my wretched heart.

How confused I am : I have sometimes dared to judge your sacred actions and complain about your sleep, while I have slept in negligence that has caused irreparable harm! I have abused your kindness, O my Jesus, as no one ever abused mine, which is nothingness, and I would like, it seems, to demand tooth for tooth where I believe myself offended. I know neither how to watch with sustained solicitude, nor how to give rest to those whose help I expect, nor how to please those who love me, nor how to forget with generosity the pain I have received. My spirit is not lofty and my heart is not broad. It is not gentle and humble, it is not like yours.

Adorable Heart of my Jesus, it is that I have not yet contemplated you in the Eucharist, where you are especially my model until you live in me.

You are our head, O Master, we must follow you; you are our head[10] and we are your members[11]; you are our heart, the movement of our life, it is through your heart above all that you are in us, through the charity that gives itself and sacrifices itself, even to the point of making itself food here; and it is in this way that we are in you, if we are in charity[12].

It is with your Heart that we must love all that is lovable and all that is not; what is lovable, so that we do not become attached to it, and what is not, so that we love it all the same; and we must hate only that which you hate: sin, not the sinner, oh! the sinner, you love.

O charity, O love, O compassion, O condescension, O support, O consolation, bowels of mercy, peace with brothers in God, our Father, and in Jesus Christ Our Lord; O love of neighbor, zeal for souls, yes, you will be in my heart! yes, my heart will give itself as Jesus-Hostie gives his Heart.

20th Elevation: Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us

[1] Cf. Matth. VIII, 24.

[2] Cf. Cant. V,2.

[3] Cf. I Petr. V, 8.

[4] Cf. Matth. XXVI, 41.

[5] Cf. Col. III, 12.

[6] Cf. I Petr. III, 8.

[7] Cf. II Cor. II, 8.

[8] Cf. Matth. VII, 3.

[9] Cf. I John IV, 11.

[10] Cf. Col 1, 18.

[11] Cf. I Cor. VI, 15.

[12] Cf. I John IV, 16.