The devotion to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus has its origin in the apparitions of Christ to Sophie Prouvier in 1854. This devotion was recognized by Leo XIII and Benedict XV, and the feast of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus is celebrated in the Church on the Thursday following the feast of the Sacred Heart. This site offers you to discover the Prayer to the Eucharistic Heart written by Sophie Prouver, as well as the 20 Elevations she wrote to meditate on this Prayer. These Elevations are a spiritual treasure that allows us to rise from degree to degree to a greater intimacy with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. Enjoy your reading, and may God keep you!
This site is published to make the spirituality of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus widely known. The text of the prayer to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, the Elevations and the short texts by Sophie Prouvier are taken from the book « Elevations sur la prière au Coeur Eucharistique de Jésus ». Publication: Ligugé (Vienne), impr. E. Aubin; Paris (VIe), éditions de « la Vie spirituelle »; libr. Desclée et Cie, 30, rue Saint-Sulpice, 1926 (November 17.) In-16, 153 p. make